Whitepaper: Evolving Financial Management Beyond Spreadsheets


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Many CFOs and senior management are still using excel spreadsheets for financial planning and analysis. However, due to a lack of standardization, poor data integrity, and ineffective collaboration methods, this century-old technology results in lawed models and inaccurate calculations most of the time.

To add on, many CFOs and FP&A professionals have learned the importance of an agile planning process during the COVID pandemic. If such a problem ever occurs again, management must be able to quickly shift gears or pivot plans, incorporate external risk factors, adapt strategic plans to new business models, prioritize cash flow and working capital as part of a continuity plan, and integrate planning across the organization.

FP&A planning solutions could be a significant tool for avoiding the difficulties of spreadsheet-based processes and preparing for a pandemic-like situation.

Download InnoVyne’s whitepaper to learn about:

  1. Scope of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and FP&A
  2. How FP&A can help you with reporting, security and forecasting
  3. What FP&A solutions can do to alleviate spreadsheet users’ difficulties

Your Trusted Solutions Partner for All Things EPM

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